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All e-books of Maurice Leblanc

Maurice Leblanc's 15 free e-books in Project Gutenberg sorted by popularity.

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Time to Read
It was a strange ending to a voyage that had commenced in a most auspicious manner.
CHAPTER I THE MILLIONAIRE'S DAUGHTER The rays of the September sun flooded the great halls of the old chateau of the Dukes of Charmerace, lighting up with their mellow glow the spoils of so many...
ILLUSTRATIONS Valmeras loved Raymonde's melancholy charm She put the gun to her shoulder, calmly took aim and fired Two huge letters, each perhaps a foot long, appeared cut in relief in the gran...
CHAPTER I. Lottery Ticket No. 514 CHAPTER II. The Blue Diamond CHAPTER III. Herlock Sholmes Opens Hostilities CHAPTER IV. Light in the Darkness CHAPTER V. An Abduction CHAPTER VI. Se...
CHAPTER I. THE ARRESTS The two boats fastened to the little pier that jutted out from the garden lay rocking in its shadow.
CHAPTER I THE CHÂTEAU DE ROBOREY Under a sky heavy with stars and faintly brighter for a low-hanging sickle moon, the gipsy caravan slept on the turf by the roadside, its shutters closed, its sh...
BY MAURICE LE BLANC AUTHOR'S NOTE These adventures were told to me in the old days by Arsène Lupin, as though they had happened to a friend of his, named Prince Rénine.
AND MONTE CRISTO It was half-past four; M. Desmalions, the Prefect of Police, was not yet back at the office.
CHAPTER I NUMBER 514, SERIES 23 On the 8th of December last, M. Gerbois, professor of mathematics at Versailles College, rummaging among the stores at a second-hand dealer's, discovered a small ...
CHAPTER I THE MURDER "Suppose I were to tell you," said Paul Delroze, "that I once stood face to face with him on French.
CHAPTER I THE DESERTED CABIN Into the picturesque village of Le Faouet, situated in the very heart of Brittany, there drove one morning in the month of May a lady whose spreading grey cloak and ...
CHAPTER I THE SUIT "Oh, but this is terrible!"
CHAPTER I BERGERONNETTE For me the strange story dates back to that autumn day when my uncle Dorgeroux appeared, staggering and unhinged, in the doorway of the room which I occupied in his house...
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